Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Area Rug Cleaning – Tips & Rules of Thumb

Area rugs are the most common rugs found in a home next to wall to wall carpet. For this reason it is very easy for them to become infested with grime and dirt from high foot traffic. The dirt does not just affect the surface where you see it the most. It works itself all the way down into the material and shortens the rugs life drastically. Cleaning a small area rug can be as simple as submerging it in water with your preferred cleaner, but for larger area rugs it is not that simple. Of course it is always best to call our professionals for a good expert cleaning, but there are also things you can do to extend your rugs life and keep it looking beautiful.

Tips for keeping your area rug in good shape

The number one rule for large area rugs is to rotate them at least once a year; twice a year if the foot traffic is particularly heavy. Depending on the area the rug is in, vacuuming should be done anywhere from once a week to once a month. In addition to vacuuming the surface area of the rug you should also flip it over and vacuum the underside as well. This will get the dust and dirt that has gathered underneath the rug and anything that has made it from the surface to the bottom.  
While vacuuming is extremely important to the longevity of your area rug, sometimes it is not only enough. Once in a while it will need a deep cleaning that a vacuum simply can’t provide. If you are willing to do this yourself you must first make sure to look at the rugs label to see any special instructions. Each piece is made differently and you may have to take specific precautions with each one to keep from ruining them by inadvertently. The most common precaution is the avoidance of certain chemicals that will damage the rugs material. While our professionals are acutely aware of such precautions, a layperson may not be.

?Dry cleaning or water cleaning the rug 

 The next thing that you must consider is if you are going to clean the rug with water or through the method of dry cleaning. There are dry clean kits for area rugs sold in stores that work quite well when used properly. The kit contains powder cleaner that works by soaking up odors and stains. It is a good idea to have it on hand in case of a spill. This way you can get it up as quickly and effectively as possible. You can also use a carpet shampooer, but if you do you should make sure that you do not leave the rug wet. Of course it will remain damp until it dries naturally but you never want it to be sopping with water.
Deep Cleaning an oriental rug on your own can be simple if you just follow the instructions as outlined above. But when in doubt you should call the professionals. You can call for advice or call to make an appointment to have the experts come in to do the job for you.